From the time we’re children, we experience things that can cause us to repress, reject, or abandon parts of ourselves. This could be trauma, neglect, abuse, illness, and more.
When we experience such events, we split off a part of ourselves, primarily as a coping mechanism. For example, a playful toddler may get yelled at when they are laughing and carrying on. The child gets the message that this type of behavior is bad and makes Mom angry. The toddler may fear loss of love from the parent if they continue with laughing and playing around, so they stop the behavior. They cut themselves off from it, repressing the desire.
That’s soul loss, separating from a healthy part of the soul. Throughout that child’s life, this soul loss may be driving their life unconsciously, causing them to repeatedly repress happy feelings, therefore struggling with sadness.
Soul retrieval is calling back those parts of ourselves that we’ve split from over the years – things like worthiness, creativity, confidence, sexuality, and more. It’s retrieving them at the energetic level, helping us to become whole. It’s powerful work that can accomplish very quickly what might have taken traditional counseling years to do.