What is a Fire Ceremony?
Photo Cred: @alisonvieiraphotography
What Is A Fire Ceremony & How Can It Help?
Native Americans have been using fire ceremonies for many years as a tool for transformation on all levels. Sitting around a fire for the ancients has always been sacred, special time, and we can learn a lot by implementing our own fire ceremonies in our lives on occasion.
How Can A Fire Ceremony Help Me?
As a medicine tradition, a fire ceremony can help you by offering you the chance to burn away those things that do not serve you. This could be negative emotions like fear or anxiety. Or it could be a toxic relationship, illness, or an old belief system that’s been holding you back. Offering such things to the fire, or Spirit, is a great way to heal at a deeper level.
How To Do A Fire Ceremony
Many people do a fire ceremony with a shaman or medicine person overseeing the ceremony. This is a wonderful experience, but you can also have a fire ceremony on your own, or with your family and friends.
Typically, fire ceremonies are held during a full or new moon, as it’s taught that the veil between the spiritual and natural worlds are thinnest at that time.
Build a fire in a safe place and gather around it. Some people like to bring something to the fire ceremony that they’ll be able to throw into the fire as a symbol of release. Perhaps a piece of paper with something written on it, a twig that you give representation to, or a picture.
If you’re using an object, bring it close to your mouth, close your eyes, and breathe your intention into it. Set your intention.
For example, if you’re wanting to move from depression to joy, blow that depression into that object several times. Envision all that dense energy coming out of your energy body into that object.
Or, if you’re setting an intention, such as a new job or partner, blow that intention into that object several times. Really feel your desire going into that object.
Invite All Things Pure and Holy
Call in Spirit and all else that you feel should be there (Creator, Intelligence, ancestors, etc.) Offer prayers of gratitude and set any intentions. Then, go ahead and throw your object into the fire, fully believing that in doing so, you’re ridding your energy field of that dense energy. Or, you’re fully gaining the desire that you’re believing for.
Let the fire take it all, surrendering to the medicine and teaching of the fire. You can speak if you want, but it’s not necessary. Some people shout praises of joy, others may sing, some remain quiet and contemplative, while others release with tears. You can even use a mantra. There’s no right or wrong. Just be present.
Take some time to just be in silence, gazing at the flames. Allow Spirit to speak, to purify, to shower you with love. If thoughts pop up, observe them and return attention to the fire, to your breath.
When you feel it’s time to end the ceremony, offer gratitude.
A Powerful Tool
A fire ceremony can be a powerful tool and anchor point for radical change. If you’re feeling like you’ve got a block or stagnant energy, or you’re desiring something, do a fire ceremony. Feel free to do them regularly. You can even gather your family to join you. Children typically love it and what a way to teach them about surrender and intention!
Want a shamanic led fire ceremony? I’m happy to assist. Please contact me for further information.