Clearing The Energy Field: How An Ancient Technique Can Help Decrease Stress

In today’s world of uncertainty, it’s not uncommon to feel overwhelmed at times. Whether it’s contending with what’s going on in the world at large, hectic schedules, chaotic commutes, or something else, feeling overwhelmed can feel awful and stifle us in various ways.

In addition to feeling overwhelm, we may just feel sluggish at times. I know sometimes in the winter months it can feel like a struggle to do daily tasks and maintain an exercise routine. With the gloomy weather, it’s easy to hole yourself up and let fatigue get the best of you.

For me, when I’m dealing with fatigue, overwhelm, stress, or just feeling “off”, I use an ancient technique to clear my personal energy field. This is a very effective way to go from feeling that negative, heavy energy to feeling, more positive and vibrant.

What Is Our Energy Field?

Everything in the world is made up of energy, including us. The energy is always moving and flowing at various frequencies.  Each of us has chakras, or energy centers, in the body that allow our life force to flow in and out. We also have an energy field, or luminous field, that surrounds our bodies. It’s a multi-level energy grid that informs us of many things.

According to my teacher,  Shaman Alberto Villoldo, “The luminous body holds a template of our health. It encodes how we live, how we age, how we heal, and how we die.”[1]

As you can see, understanding better the luminous body can help us in every aspect of our lives. The energy flow inside and outside us can get blocked by various things, such as negative emotions, environmental stressors, unhealthy foods, and pollutants. However, as we cultivate an awareness of our field and learn tools to clear it, we can begin to feel more peace and flow in our lives.

In my tradition, being in the flow is called being in ayni or right relationship. In my practice, I help clients clear their energy fields and give them effective meditations that get and keep them in balance – in their own personal flow.

Clearing Your Energy Field

Here is an ancient technique that will help you clear your own energy field.

1.     Hold your hand a few inches out from your pubic bone. This is your root chakra. Notice if you feel any energy there. It could be dense, light, or somewhere in between. Simply see if you notice.

Now, take your fingers and begin making counterclockwise circles in that area. Imagine unwinding this root chakra like a clock that is going backwards. This will attract negative or dense energy that may be blocking that chakra.

Do this for about a minute and then flick your wrist toward Mother Earth, letting go of any heavy energy, knowing that it will be absorbed, mulched, and recomposted for the greater good of all.

2.     Then, move to your second chakra, which is called the sacral chakra. This is about two inches above your navel. Repeat unwinding and letting go of energy.

3.     Move to your third chakra (solar plexus) at your solar plexus. Repeat unwinding and letting go of energy.

4.     Move to your fourth chakra (heart chakra) at your heart. Repeat unwinding and letting go of energy.

5.     Move to your fifth chakra (throat chakra) at the hollow of your throat. Repeat unwinding and letting go of energy.

6.     Move to your sixth chakra (third eye chakra) at the center of your forehead. Repeat unwinding and letting go of energy.

7.     Move to your seventh chakra (crown chakra) at the crown of the head. Repeat unwinding and letting go of energy.

Now that you’ve removed and let go of the negative or dense energy, it’s time to bring in some really great energy in.

Energize Your Luminous Body

Now it’s time to begin bringing white, healing light into each chakra.

1.     Go back to your first chakra and imagine bringing white light into that chakra. Take your fingers and spin clockwise three or four times to re-spin and balance the chakra. Feel that chakra filling up with divine, energetic Love. Imagine a bright red spinning spiral.

2.     Move to your second chakra, imagine bringing white light into that chakra several times. Take your fingers and spin clockwise three or four times to re-spin and balance the chakra. Imagine a bright orange spinning spiral.

3.     Move to the third chakra, imagine bringing white light into that chakra. Take your fingers and spin clockwise three or four times to re-spin and balance the chakra. Imagine a bright yellow spinning spiral.

4.     Move to the fourth chakra, imagine bringing white light into that chakra. Take your fingers and spin clockwise three or four times to re-spin and balance the chakra. Imagine a bright green spinning spiral.

5.     Move to the fifth chakra, imagine bringing white light into that chakra. Take your fingers and spin clockwise three or four times to re-spin and balance the chakra. Imagine a bright blue spinning spiral.

6.     Move to the sixth chakra, imagine bringing white light into that chakra. Take your fingers and spin clockwise three or four times to re-spin and balance the chakra. Imagine a bright purple spinning spiral.

7.     Move to the seventh chakra, imagine bringing white light into that chakra. Take your fingers and spin clockwise three or four times to re-spin and balance the chakra. Imagine a bright white light spinning spiral.

Enjoy The Benefits Of Clearing The Chakras

Once you’ve cleared your energy centers, you should be feeling much better. When you clear your chakras regularly, you’re helping your body perform at optimal level.

If I am feeling off, have a lack of focus, or general fatigue, I find that this technique is a great way to clear out the heavy energy. When energy can freely flow, we can simply feel better on every level.

Over to you. How does this resonate with you? What methods do you use that help you to feel balanced?



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